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Submission of camera-ready papers
Accepted contributions can be extended to up to 4 pages. Please submit the camera-ready version by January 18, 2023 via the easychair system as a PDF. Please use a two-column IEEE A4 layout for the submission without page numbers and footers/headers.
Preparing your presentation
Regular Presentations
Regular presentations should last around 25 minutes. There will be 5 additional minutes for questions. Presenters should prepare their presentation as a PDF or PowerPoint document. The presentations can be copied to the presentation computer on site.
Short Presentations
Short presentations should last a maximum of 12 minutes. Afterwards there will be about 3 minutes for questions. Presenters should prepare their presentation as a PDF or PowerPoint document. The presentations can be copied to the presentation computer on site.
Authors of contributions that were accepted as posters should prepare a poster (DIN A0, portrait format) and max. 2 slides to present the poster in a short pitch. The presentation slides can be copied to the presentation computer on site.