Literature Management

The Citavi national license has been extended until 31.05.2025. The extension was done by mail, so please pay attention to the inbox of your university mail address.

Literature management with Citavi - Free of charge for members of Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences

Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences has acquired a campus licence for the software "Citavi - Literature Management and Knowledge Organisation". Staff and students of our university can use this powerful programme for studying, teaching and research at work and at home.

Info page and instructions:  Citavi

For beginners there is a short introduction and an introductory video here.

Other, freely available literature management programs


This is a program accessible as freeware with paid support. It is available for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

Link: Bibliographix


EndNote is available for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X and allows searching online databases and creating literature databases. Via the following link you have the possibility to get the program free of charge as a student or member of a Thuringian university.

EndNote 20

EndNote 21


JabRef is a literature management program especially for users of LaTex.

Link: JabRef


This program is available as an extension of Mozilla Firefox and as a browser-independent version.

Link: Zotero

[Attention: With these links you leave the area of responsibility of the university.]