Registration and Lending


In order to borrow media and use other library services, students don´t have to register in the library. You are already registered as a library user with your matriculation.

External Users need a completed registration form and a Identity card or passport for their registration. Persons aged 16 and over are permitted to register. Minors under the age of 18 also need a declaration of consent from their parents.
They will receive a user card with a user number and a password that allow them to access their personal user account in the online catalogue (OPAC).

The basis for borrowing and using the library are the user regulations and the list of charges (in german).



The password is your date of birth in the following form: ttmmjj
You can change this password (Discovery Tool > My profile > Password).


Users take books independently from the shelves and work with them in the reading room. Borrowing is possible with self-check terminals or at the circulation desk.
With the help of the online catalogue (Discovery Tool) you can find the literature you need in the library.

Loan periods

Books, electronic media and bound periodicals can be borrowed for 4 weeks at a time.
In addition, it is possible to renew all media 15 times for the same period, provided that there is no reservation for the medium.
Books with the sticker "Not available for loan" as well as magazines and newspapers of the current year cannot be borrowed.

Returning media

At the end of the loan period, the media must be returned to the circulation desk or the return station.