Home | Our study programmes | Language Centre | Language certificate UNIcert®
Language certificates are often helpful when applying for internships abroad, study visits or starting a career. Many organisations and companies require applicants to submit certain language certificates.
The Language Centre at Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences offers the certificate UNIcert® to.
UNIcert® is a cross-university and at the same time university-specific foreign language certificate of the Working Group of Language Centres at Universities (AKS). It is specifically geared towards the content of foreign language teaching at Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences.
The Language Centre at Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences is a member of the AKS, the only association in Germany that comprehensively represents the field of foreign language teaching at universities and colleges.
The Language Centre is UNIcert certified for the following levels and languages® -accredited:
Basic (A2 GER): German as a foreign language (DaF)
Level II (B2 GER): English
Level III (C1 GER): English
This certificate can be obtained at over 50 German and some European colleges and universities. If you change universities, it makes it easier for you to have your previous achievements recognised and to find a suitable course. There is no need to take another placement test.
Students at level III (C1) can apply for UNIcert after successfully completing courses totalling at least 8 SWS and attending at least 75%.® -test.
The examinations for this level usually take place on the second day of the language examinations each semester (see Semester dates).
Students at level II (B2) can apply for the UNIcert II certificate after successfully completing courses totalling at least 8 SWS and a course attendance of at least 75%.
Students at the DaF Basis level can apply for the UNIcert DaF Basis certificate after successfully completing courses totalling at least 8 SWS and a course attendance of at least 75%.
Complete the relevant data fields and submit your application by email to your language teacher. You will then receive an email with information about your UNIcert® -Examination.
Study Service Centre
+49 3631 420-222
House 18, Level 1, Room 18.0105