• Committee elections are held every year at Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences.

    But what committees are there and what are they responsible for? What are the good reasons for getting involved in a committee? When can I submit election proposals and when does the electronic election take place?


Which committees are elected and what are they responsible for?

University Assembly

The University Assembly is the highest, central decision-making body of the university and a self-governing body. The University Assembly is democratically elected and consists of members from all groups represented at the university. The members of the Presidential Board, the chairpersons of the deaneries, the Equal Opportunities and Family Officer, the Diversity Officer, the chairperson of the Staff Council, the chairperson of the Student Council and the Representative Body for Severely Disabled Students are ex officio members of the University Assembly. The University Assembly advises on the development of the university's profile and the prioritisation of research. It also assumes legislative tasks and issues university regulations and statutes, decides on structural and development planning and the principles of resource allocation. Furthermore, the University Assembly elects the members of the Presidential Board and gives its opinion on the departments' appointment proposals for professorships.

Departmental councils

The Faculty Council represents the interests of the members of the faculty. It is made up of members of the professorial staff, students and employees of a department. The core tasks of the Faculty Council include  

  • the election of the chairperson member of the deanery and two further members
  • helping to shape the establishment of new degree programmes and the range of courses on offer
  • the adoption of study and examination regulations
  • the distribution of finances for research and teaching, including for the latest laboratory equipment within the department
  • the resolutions on appointment proposals for professorships and
  • the coordination of research projects and focal points as well as the promotion of young scientists.

Participation in the Faculty Council offers opportunities to help shape the development of the university and provides a variety of academic insights into different areas.

Advisory Board for Gender Equality and Family Issues

The Advisory Board for Equal Opportunities and Family Affairs supports the Equal Opportunities and Family Affairs Officer in her tasks to enforce equal rights and equality for men, women and people of the third gender. Other topics include the compatibility of family and employment as well as protection against sexual harassment in the workplace.

Staff Council

The Staff Council is elected by the employees, is a part of them and their representative. It meets regularly to discuss proposals submitted or the current situation at the university and to pass resolutions. Through the Staff Council, employees are involved in internal decisions within the department. Conflicts of interest are mediated and discussed, e.g. in staff meetings. The Staff Council ensures that all protective regulations applicable to employees are complied with. The Staff Council represents the interests of all employees, mediates, helps, participates in decisions, monitors and serves as a point of contact for all official matters.

Assistants' Council

A member of the Assistants' Council has the right to attend, propose motions and speak at meetings of the Staff Council. They have the right to vote on all matters concerning assistants.


Six good reasons for getting involved in a committee

  1. They gain an insight into the political processes of the university, can play an active role and thus help shape the future of Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences.
  2. You can build up a network and benefit from the experiences of students from different semesters. You will get to know the professors and staff at the university from a different perspective and meet as equals.
  3. You will learn new skills, such as how to set up and improve your organisational management. You will get to know the processes within the university better and gain experience in coordinating and adhering to other people, budgets and schedules.

  1. They can have a say in teaching and structural issues.
  2. You add value to your CV. Volunteering helps you stand out from other applicants and shows a willingness to do extra work.
  3. You can receive BAföG for a longer period of time.

Committee elections 2025


Current committee elections

The Election of the StuRa (Student Council) will take place from 15 January 2025, 09:00 to 22 January 2025, 09:00. The election will be held electronically.

Voting access is available on the dashboard during the entire voting period in Moodle available. In addition, all voters will receive a link to the electronic ballot by email.

The following voter groups vote:

  • Group of students



Timetable for committee elections 2025

Public announcement of the election notice:

  • 27 November 2024 (StuRa re-election)
Submission of election proposals (electronically with the student election committee):
  • until 11.12.2024
Repeated election notice - Submission of election proposals (electronically with the student election committee):
  • until 18.12.2024

Display of the electoral roll at the electoral office (Office of the Registrar):

  • until 11.12.2024

Election announcement with publication of the election proposals:

  • 08.01.2025

Announcement of election results:

  • probably on 23 January 2025