Main content
The Transferwerk of Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences (T-HSN) coordinates projects for cooperation between university scientists and the region. It focuses on public services, climate protection and digitalization and strengthens internal research activities.
A transfer advisory board promotes the transfer process. The project is headed by Prof. Dr. Jörg Wagner, Prof. Dr. Steffen Dörhöfer and Prof. Dr. Elmar Hinz.
The Transferwerk... the first point of contact, connects scientists and creates synergies.
...acquires reliable partners, maintains networks and represents the university's researchers.
...supports researchers as a project office for the acquisition of funding and project partners. responsible for proposal design and evaluation of acquired projects.
...advises and mediates in science communication.
Cooperate with us!
Unsere Struktur
We are a matrix organization consisting of six transfer scouts. Each transfer scout is assigned to a research institute and acts as a contact person when it comes to research and knowledge transfer services.
Project management
Wagner, Prof. Dr. Jörg
+49 3631 420-100- Department: Department of Economic and Social Sciences
- Course: Business Administration
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Dörhöfer, Prof. Dr. Steffen
+49 3631 420-511- Department: Department of Economic and Social Sciences
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Hinz, Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Elmar
+49 3631 420-547- Department: Department of Economic and Social Sciences
- Course: Study Area Public Management
- Area: IPMG - Institut für Public Management und Governance
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Nioduschewski, Sandra
+49 3631 420-141- Institute: DICH
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Bicke, Dr. Sascha
+49 3631 420-142- Area: Thuringian Innovation Centre for Recyclable Materials (ThIWert)
- Institution: Projekt „Innovative Hochschule (T-HSN)"
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Füldner, Thomas
+49 3631 420-143- Area: IAE - Institut für Informatik, Automatisierung und Elektronik
- Institution: Projekt „Innovative Hochschule (T-HSN)
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Schulz, Sara
+49 3631 420-144- Area: in.RET
- Institute: Projekt „Innovative Hochschule (T-HSN)“
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Druselmann, Maximilian
+49 3631 420-145- Department: Department of Economic and Social Sciences
- Area: IPMG - Institut für Public Management und Governance
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Project duration:
01/2023 – 12/2027
Project budget:
3,5 Mio €
Project management:
Prof. Dr. Jörg Wagner
Prof. Dr. Steffen Dörhöfer
Prof. Dr. Elmar Hinz