Mechatronics (M.Eng.)

Mechanics + electronics = mechatronics

What is mechatronics?

Mechatronics is a term made up of mechanics and electronics, and is the interaction of classic mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and automation. None of the three areas mentioned can do without the other two. 

Fields of work

The Mechatronics degree programme thus follows the introduction of extensive automation into industrial processes and everyone's daily environment.

MT at a glance

Study programmeInfo
Short description:MT
Academic degree:Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
Standard period of study / scope of services:3 semesters / 90 ECTS credits i
Teaching language:German
Study format:
Study start:
Application period:

The degree programme is being phased out and it is no longer possible to apply.

Admission restriction:

Admission requirements:
  • Qualified Bachelor of Engineering or Bachelor of Science degree with 210 ECTS credits in a suitable degree programme (e.g. Automation and Electronics Development, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Regenerative Energy Technology, Industrial Engineering, Energy Technology or comparable degree programme)
Tuition fees:

Graduates of the Master's degree programme in Mechatronics have very good prospects for the future. Due to the application orientation of the degree programme, the fields of application are very broad, e.g. as:

  • Research and development engineer
  • Project engineer
  • Project manager
  • Operating engineer
  • Technical employee in the public sector
  • Expert
  • Research assistant in research institutions
  • Application engineer
  • Product Manager

The regulations for your degree programme, published in the Official announcements of the HSN:


  • Second amendment to the examination regulations for the Master's degree programmes in the Faculty of Engineering at Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences


Winter semester 2018/19

  • Examination regulations for the Bachelor's degree programmes of the Faculty of Engineering 

Semester details apply to first-time enrolments from this date (e.g. valid for first-time enrolment from winter semester 2020/2021)


It's easy to secure your place on your desired degree programme online!

Our Campus Management System HISinOne makes it possible:

Simply upload all your application documents in PDF format to the relevant fields in the online portal.
And if you still need to submit something, that is No problem! You can easily send missing documents by e-mail to our Study Service Centre:
Simply contact us at .

We know that student budgets are often tight. That's why we want to reassure you right away: At our university there are No tuition fees!

To support you in financing your studies, we provide you with the following information at BAföG helpful tips on how to apply and ensure that your application is complete. You will also find important contacts there.
We want to support and encourage particularly talented and motivated students.

Under Scholarships you will find information on various scholarship programmes. There are also other funding options, such as the 'StudiumThüringenPlus' study start-up grant, parental funding, child benefit and the opportunity to earn your own money through a student job.

Unlike at a university, you will receive more support in your learning process at our university. We provide learning objective control questions, enable you to deepen your knowledge through exercises and also facilitate a great deal of interaction in lectures and seminars. These are big differences to courses with >300 students.

Do you have general questions about studying or need help with your application?

Your Study Service Centre (SSZ) is there for you!

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