Electrical engineering (B.Eng.)
Geotechnics (B.Eng.)
Computer science (B.Eng.)
Mechanical engineering (B.Eng.)
Regenerative energy technology (B.Eng.)
Environmental engineering (B.Eng.)
Social work and health (B.A.)
Computer Engineering for IoT Systems (M.Eng.)
Energy systems (M.Eng.)
Mechatronics (M.Eng.)
Product development and production (M.Eng.)
Renewable Energy Systems (M.Eng.)
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Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences is not only a place of study, but also a versatile workplace. As an employee, you will contribute to the further development of our university and play an active role in shaping it.
We value an open, respectful working atmosphere and offer you opportunities for personal and professional development. Whether in teaching, research or administration - together we create a pleasant working environment.
We are delighted that you are part of Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences!
Credit points are earned for successfully completed coursework and examinations in accordance with the "European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System" (ECTS).
The ECTS points reflect the average learning effort. One ECTS point corresponds to 30 hours of study.
Based on the ECTS points, the study and examination achievements are internationally comparable.
Study Service Centre
+49 3631 420-222
House 18, Level 1, Room 18.0105