

Department of Engineering

Study area:

IT, Technology & Engineering

Professorship or teaching area:

Automation systems

Institute or organisation:

IAE | Institute of Computer Science, Automation and Electronics



Vocational training with A-levels, company vocational school NEMA (Netzschkauer Maschinenfabrik) in Netzschkau / Vogtland, skilled worker qualification as a machine and plant fitter and receipt of A-levels


Direct studies in Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Energy Conversion Section of the Technical University of Dresden, awarded the academic degree of Diplomingenieur (Dipl.-Ing.) with an overall grade of "very good"

Professional stations


Research assistant at the Institute of Fluid Mechanics and the Institute of Aerospace Engineering at Dresden University of Technology


Research assistant at the German Aerospace Centre Göttingen, development of simulation software


Test engineer in the field of experimental aerodynamics at Airbus, responsible for measurement technology development in internal projects and in national and international research projects, Airbus classification as "expert for measurement technology and instrumentation", acting head of the Airbus "Test Engineering" team


"Experimental investigation and numerical modelling of near-wall thermal buoyancy flows", Institute of Fluid Mechanics and the Institute of Aerospace Engineering at Dresden University of Technology (1994-1999)


This thesis dealt with the experimental investigation and numerical calculation of thermal buoyancy flows. Overall judgement "with distinction" (summa cum laude)

Work at the Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences

since 03/2013


  • Rotary Wing Micro Air Vehicle Endurance. International Micro Aerial Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition IMAV 2013, Toulouse, 17 to 20 September 2013

  • Experiemental and numerical investigation of a counter rotating open rotor flow field. 29th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference. Honolulu, Hawaii, 27 to 30 June 2011

  • Flight experiments of different MAV concepts with a wingspan of 0.4 m. European Micro Aerial Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition EMAV 2008, Braunschweig, 7 to 10 July 2008

  • Aerodynamic Design of the Reichstag Dome. 18th Liepmann-Ludwieg Seminar, German Aerospace Centre and Max Planck Society Göttingen, 23 April 2007 

  • Application of advanced surface sensors for the detection and control of flow separation on an industrial high-lift configuration. 25th international congress of the aeronautical sciences ICAS 2006, Hamburg, 3 to 8 September 2006

  • Low Speed Validation Tests on Engine/Airframe Integration Within the EC Project EUROLIFT II. 41st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Tucson, USA, 10 - 13 July 2005

Research question:

Third-party funder:

Research question:

Third-party funder:

Research question:

Third-party funder:


in the study programmes AEE, ITA, RET, SE and WING:

  • Fundamentals of automation technology (AEE, ITA, RET, SE, WING)

  • Control Engineering I (AEE, ITA, RET)

  • Control Engineering II (AEE, ITA, RET)

  • Specialisation in Control Engineering (SE)

  • Application of software in automation (SE)

  • Draft of discrete-time regulations (SE)

  • Sensor technology (AEE, ITA)

Main research areas

  • Autonomous driving and flight systems

  • Industrial automation

Further university involvement


  • Dresden University of Technology,

  • German Aerospace Centre Göttingen,

  • Trimet Harzgerode,

  • Geo-Technic

Prof Dr Klaus Peter Neitzke

Prof. Dr Klaus-Peter Neitzke