19 June 2023

The graduates of the second certificate course in network technology and network operation for district heating at Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences received their certificates on 15 June 2013.

the graduates with their certificates
The graduates of the new certificate course in Network Technology and Network Operation District Heating at Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences received their certificates on 15 June. (Photos: Dr.-Ing. Pascal Leibbrandt)

A total of 18 graduates have successfully completed the continuing education programme, which is unique in Germany, and have now received their certificates. These were presented by the Dean of Studies of the course, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Wiese, Frank Espig (Head of Technology & Standardisation at AGFW) and Johannes Trümper (Head of the TEAG Academy).

After successfully completing the programme, graduates are now in a position to assume responsibility for the reliable and economical implementation of tasks in project planning, network planning, operations management and/or maintenance in the district heating sector.

Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences, the AGFW as the industry association of district heating companies and the TEAG Academy have developed the joint certificate programme "Network Technology and Network Operation District Heating" and carried it out very successfully for the first time last year. This second programme was fully booked early on.

The importance of grid-connected heat supply for the energy transition is great and will continue to grow significantly in the future. Experts who can plan, construct and operate heating networks are already in demand among energy supply companies, industry and the housing sector, as well as contractors.

"We would like to congratulate our graduates," says a delighted Prof Dr Frank Wiese, who has been a professor for the project planning of technical systems at Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences for many years. "With the knowledge they have acquired over the last few months, our graduates can make an important contribution to the energy transition. The topic of heating networks is a central and important field of activity for the future and therefore a good alternative solution to heat pumps," emphasises Professor Wiese.


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