Department of Engineering
Study area:
IT, Technology & Engineering
Professorship or teaching area:
Power and work machines
Institute or organisation:
AKI | August Kramer Institute, in.RET | Institute for Regenerative Energy Technology
- Apprenticeship as an industrial mechanic
- Studied construction technology at the Rheinische Fachhochschule Cologne
- Mechanical engineering studies at RWTH Aachen University
Professional stations
- Institute for Jet Propulsion and Turbo Machinery at RWTH Aachen University
- Atlas Copco Energas GmbH
Simulation of non-equilibrium flows in nozzles with a finite element method, RWTH Aachen, degree 2001
Work at the Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences
since 2008
- Carow, J., Link, T., Gas Flow through a Diaphragm Expander: Fluid-Structure Interaction in ANSYS CFX, ANSYS Conference & 32nd CADFEM Users' Meeting 2014.
- Wesselak, V., Schabbach, T., Link, T., Fischer, J., Regenerative Energy Technology, Springer Verlag, 2013.
- Link, T., Koschel, W., Computation of the Two-Dimensional Flow in SERN-Nozzels, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, Volume 77, Springer Verlag, 2002.
- Link, T., Koschel, W., Computation of a Nonequilibrium Expansion Flow in a Single Expansion Ramp Nozzle, Journal of Propulsion and Power, 2001.
in the study programmes GT, RET, URT and in the engineering undergraduate programme:
- Technical Mechanics I + II (Engineering Science Foundation Programme)
- Fluid mechanics (URT, RET, GT)
- Power and work machines (RET)
- Wind energy systems (RET)
Main research areas
- Orc processes, expanders for small outputs, CFD
Further university involvement
Research projects
- GFE - Gesellschaft für Fertigungstechnik und Entwicklung Schmalkalden e. V.
- TTZ GmbH & Co KG, Königs Wusterhausen
- Binowa GmbH, Freyburg OT Weischütz
- Hörisch-Präzision GmbH, Apolda
- Müller Kunststofftechnik GmbH, Kirchheiligen
- CM!T³ Carbon Manufaktur GbR, Würzburg
- Richter Feinwerktechnik GmbH, Schönbrunn im Steigerwald
Final theses
- Nordex SE, Hamburg
- AREVA Wind GmbH, Bremerhaven
- Vestas Deutschland GmbH, Husum
- PowerWind GmbH, Hamburg
- Boreas Energie GmbH, Dresden
- juwi Wind GmbH, Wörrstadt
- SINOI GmbH, Nordhausen
- MVV Energie AG, Mannheim
- Lahmeyer International GmbH, Bad Vilbel
- Wind-consult GmbH, Admannshagen-Bargeshagen
- Vattenfall Europe Generation AG
Study Service Centre
+49 3631 420-222
House 18, Level 1, Room 18.0105