
20 November 2024

6:00 pm


20 November 2024

7:30 pm

Studying with a disability is a topic that we have been working on at the university for some time with the aim of breaking down barriers to enable greater participation.

We would like to invite you to an information and discussion evening on the subject of Studying with autism ins Audimax Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences on 20 November 2024 from 18 to 19.30h invite.

We are delighted that we have been able to appoint Mrs Yvette Schatz and colleagues (KleineWege® Nordhausen and Erfurt) for this themed evening.

The event is hybrid planned, a online participation with this link possible: 

If you have special needs in order to participate in the event, please let us know by 13 November 2024. We will then endeavour to find a solution.

We look forward to your participation,

Kind regards

Prof. Dr Andreas Seidel, Prof. Dr Sabrina Schramme, University Social Work HS Nordhausen

Event announcement with the title "Studying with autism? How does that work?". In the background, two sharpened pencils and a notebook lie on a wooden surface. Underneath is the text: "An information and discussion evening for all university members" with details of the speakers: Prof. Dr Andreas Seidel (HSN), Yvette Schatz (KleineWege® Autism Centre), Dr Sabrina Schramme (HSN) and the university social work department. Date: 20 November 2024, 18:00-19:30, in the Audimax or online. Logos of Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences and university social work are shown, as well as a QR code with the inscription "Scan me".


Location:Audimax, Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences, Hybrid
Organiser:Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences, University Social Work
Target group:All interested parties, teachers, prospective students, students

Mrs Yvette Schatz and colleagues (KleineWege®)

Type of event:Archive, Discussion evening, Info event


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