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Renewable Energy Technology (B.Eng.)
Climate change and the related weather extremes, limited fossil fuels and the resulting steady rise in fuel and heating costs, and not least of all the reactor catastrophe in Fukushima have led us to seriously rethink our energy supply. Not only in order to save costs do we have to use energy more sustainably and generate it in a more environmentally friendly way. It is also important for the future viability of our energy supply to find alternatives for fossil raw materials. The energy transformation that has begun in recent years has ensured that engineers in the field of renewable energy technology are increasingly in demand. Help us actively to transform our energy system.
During the study of renewable energy technology, you will learn to develop, plan and operate renewable energy systems. The basic elements of renewable energy systems, for example solar thermal, photovoltaic and wind energy systems as well as the use of bioenergy are the focus of the course. In addition, the course deals with the integration of renewable energy systems into existing electricity and heating networks as well as issues of energy management and energy law.
Career prospects
In recent years, many new jobs have been created in the field of renewable energies. Today, around 350,000 employees are already working on the energy transition.
Well cultivated network of industry contacts
Our well-cultivated network of regional and national industry contacts as well as our close cooperation with the economy offer you a good entry into the job market after graduation. Since the study program also covers conventional energy technology and related topics beyond renewable energy, you can become active in the following fields of application:
- Research and development,
- plant design,
- operation and maintenance,
- manufacturing and production,
- monitoring and control,
- consulting and teaching.
Already more than 650 successful graduates of the study program Renewable Energy Technology confirm our educational concept!
Requirements for admission
To study Renewable Energy Technology (B.Eng.) at Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences, you need a general university entrance qualification, subject-specific university entrance qualification, university of applied sciences entrance qualification or an equivalent recognized qualification.
Is the Renewable Energy Technology course right for me?
The Renewable Energy Technology course is right for you if you have an interest in engineering and renewable energy. An understanding of the natural sciences and a good level of English will be useful to you in this degree program.