Prof. Dr. Robert Wagner

  • Department: Economic and Social Sciences
  • Degree Program: International Business
  • Professor of International Business, especially International Management

Office Hours Winter Term 2023:

Monday: 16:00 - 17:20 or by appointment after advance registration via Moodle, use of BBB is possible

(during the University session)


Offered Courses:

  • Cross-Cultural Management (in English, for IBW-students)
  • In-depth module International Management:
    • Export Management (in German, for IBW-students)
    • Strategic and Operational International Management (in English, for IBW-students)
    • Business Ethics and GRC (in German, for IBW-students)
  • In-depth module International Marketing:
    • International Operational Marketing (in English, for IBW-students)
  • Project Management (in German, for WING-students)
  • Business Ethics (in German, for ICM-students, and, for SOMA-students)
  • Intercultural Management (in English, for BW-, ICM-, WING-students)
  • Organizational Behavior (in English, for ICM-students)

Research Areas:

  • Impact of Globalization and Digitalization on the Creation and Distribution of (local) Wealth
  • Ethics and Artifical Intelligence
  • Business Ethics (esp. Governance and Compliance)
  • International Marketing and Digitalization



Professional Experience:

since 2016

University of Applied Sciences Nordhausen

Professur of International Business, especially International Management


Jenoptik AG, Jena (Germany)

Chief Risk & Compliance Officer


Set-up of a group-wide international risk and compliance management and implementation of a respective GRC-Software


Risk mitigation by being part of the group-wide strategy and decision making processes


Bayer S.A., Athens (Greece)

CAO and Head of Procurement


Restructuring of the Procurement and Finance departments and processes


30 Mio. EUR actively managed purchasing volume, 2,5 Mio. EUR budget


Implementation of new Compliance regulations as Compliance Officer


Completion of the SAP- and SRM-implementation


Bayer S.A., San Jose (Costa Rica)

Project Head of the 'FENIX'-project for regional harmonization and optimization of administrative processes in the region Central America


Set-up of a new regional SAP-compliant Procurement and Accounting organization


Definition and implementation of the „Corporate Country Head” as a new top-level management position


Process optimization in HR, IT, Compliance


Bayer AG, Leverkusen (Germany)

Corporate Auditor


International Audits as part of Bayer's Corporate Auditing, especially Procurement, Marketing, SOX, as well as, General Audits in several countries and regions, e.g. USA, Brazil, Mexico, China, Middle East


Bayer AG, Leverkusen (Germany)

Senior Internal Consultant


Implementation of a SOX-compliant Internal Control System including the project lead of the process documentation and optimization of the relevant Asian companies


Strategic positioning of the Customer Service Center NAFTA of Bayer Polymers in Pittsburgh, USA (3 months) including the implementation of a newly introduced Supply Chain Scorecard and the strategic repositioning of the center


Person responsible for Master Data and Methods of the SAP Facility Asset Management requirements of Bayer Polymers


SCS –Spectrum Consult & Services, s.r.o., Czech Republic

Co-Founder and Marketing Head


Set-up of a Czech-German consulting company


IHI - International College Zittau, Zittau (Germany)

Research Assistant


  • "Mensch und Markt", in: Die Tagespost (2020), Nr. 51, S.28
  • "Cowboy-Ethik : Was es wirklich braucht, um in der Wirtschaft und im Leben erfolgreich zu sein" (Übersetzung des us-amerikanischen Originals von James P. Owen), Görlitz 2017. 
  • "Globalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit", in: "Lexikon Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften", Schulz, W.F.; Burschel, C. et al. (Hrsg.), München: R. Oldenburg 2001. 
  • "Konfigurationsentscheidungen von Global Players im Spannungsfeld von Internationalisierung und Umweltschutz : Analyse und Gestaltungsempfehlungen, dargestellt anhand ausgewählter Beispiele der drei größten Global Players der deutschen Chemieindustrie: Bayer, Hoechst und BASF, Frankfurt am Main 2000. 
  • "Diskussionspapier zum Projekt „Marketing in der Unternehmenspraxis“", in: "Marketing v Praxi", Universität Liberec (Tschechien) 1999, in Ko-Autorenschaft mit J. Sucharda. 
  • "Economic Transition in the Former East Germany", in: "Financial Market Restructuring in Selected Central European Countries", K. S. Vorst; W. Wehmeyer (Hrsg.), Aldershot; Brookfield; Singapore; Sydney: Ashgate 1998. 
  • "The connection between environmental protection and internationalization from the "Global Player’s" point of view, in: Workshop "Environment and Economics", Universität Pardubice (Tschechien) 1997.
  • "Die Informationsgesellschaft : Chancen für eine neue Lebensqualität am Beginn des dritten Jahrtausends", Münster; New York; München; Berlin: Waxmann 1996.
  • "Computergestützte Informationssysteme : Einführung in die Bürokommunikation und Datentechnik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler", 2. Aufl., München; Wien: R. Olden­bourg 1996, in Ko-Autorenschaft mit F. Hoffmann und H.-Ch. Brauweiler. 


  • „Integriertes Risikomanagement“, Corporate Risk Minds 2014, Berlin 2014.
  • „Third Party Due Diligence“, Keynote Speaker beim EY-Roundtable, Leipzig 2014.
  • “Risk Management bei der Jenoptik”, Keynote Speaker beim BWise-Roundtable, Frankfurt 2014. 
  • "Chancen der EU-Osterweiterung am Beispiel Tschechiens", Frühjahrskonferenz der Wirtschaftsjunioren Deutschland, Görlitz 2001.
  • "The connection between environmental protection and internationalization from the "Global Players" point of view", Workshop „Environment and Economics“ an der Universität Pardubice (Tschechien) 1997.
  • "Political and Economic Aspects of Structure and Evolution of Economic and Social Systems: The Three Systems Hypothesis", 32. Jahrestagung der Missouri Valley Economic Association, Memphis (USA) 1996.