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Team Project Transfertwerk
The Transferwerk is the first point of contact for cooperation with Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences. The interdisciplinary team of six transfer scouts, who are each assigned to one of the six institutes at Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences, look forward to hearing from you.
Linda Granowske - ISRV
Institute for Social Medicine, Rehabilitation Sciences and Health Services Research
#Kompetenzlandkarte | #Wissenschaft von morgen
"Courage is like change, only earlier." (Mahatma Ghandi)
Linda heads up our Transferwerk team at Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences and has been back on board since August 2024 following her parental leave. She combines academic expertise with practical experience: as a doctor of administrative sciences, she brings clear straightforwardness and analytical acumen to her work. Linda already gained valuable experience in the transfer between universities and society during the first funding round of the "Innovative Hochschule" at Harz University of Applied Sciences. Her major goal is to understand social processes and create a lively exchange that promotes synergies for everyone in the region.
Telefon: +49 3631 420-140
Büro: Haus 18, Raum 18.0218
Sandra Nioduschewski - DICH
Institut for Digitalization, Innovation und Change
#Wissenschaft von morgen | #Innovationsnetzwerke und Wissensaustausch | #Digitalmachen | #Hochschule im Dialog
"Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life." (Confucius)
Sandra has a Master's degree in Law & Economics and brings with her a certification in impact management as well as leadership experience in agile project management and fundraising at project and organizational level. As a digital native, Sandra has excellent digital skills and is a facilitator with great diplomatic skills. With Sandra at your side, things really move forward - she "hustles" until a project is completed in the best possible way.
Phone: +49 3631 420-141
Office: Building 18, Room 18.0218
Dr. Sascha Bicke - ThIWert
Thuringian Innovation Center for Recyclable Materials
#Wissenschaft von morgen | #Innovationsnetzwerke und Wissensaustausch | #Kompetenzlandkarte
"Nothing in the world is as strong as an idea whose time has come." (Victor Hugo)
"I help where I can!" - that describes Sascha, who holds a doctorate in Wood Science & Technology, in a single sentence: he is a team player you can rely on. Sascha's scientific portfolio includes experience in teaching, third-party funded research in the field of alternative wood protection, innovative wood production and renewable energies. Sascha's superpower is holistic thinking, which, coupled with his scientific expertise, is a guarantee for innovative research ideas.
Phone: +49 3631 420-142
Office: Building 18, Room 18.0218
Click here for the ThIWert.
Thomas Füldner - IAE
Institute of Computer Science, Automation and Electronics
#Innovationsnetzwerke und Wissensaustausch | #Mobiler Showroom | #Praxis(Plus)
"Curiosity always comes first in a problem that wants to be solved." (Galileo Galiei)
Thomas is a "self-made, Nordhäuser-man" and a kind of innovative ideas factory: After training as an electrician, Thomas completed a Bachelor of Science in Regenerative Energy Technology and then a Master of Science in Innovation and Technology Management. Thomas has experience in management consulting, innovation management, alternative agriculture (hydroponics) and (start-up) entrepreneurship. Thomas combines innovation with engineering know-how, creativity and strong networking skills.
Phone: +49 3631 420-143
Office: Building 18, Room 18.0218
Click here for the IAE.
Sara Schulz - in.RET
Institute for Regenerative Energy Technology
#Hochschule im Dialog | #Digitalmachen
"The most beautiful stories begin with courage." (Unknown)
Sara studied German and Philosophy and has a great love of language, writing and storytelling. She has experience in education and science management, project coordination for a nationwide education project and in the private sector. Sara is curious, likes people, innovations and the stories behind them - and can tell them. Sara works creatively, flexibly and agilely...and prefers to work in a team full of innovative ideas.
Phone: +49 3631 420-144
Office: Building 18, Room 18.0218
Click here for the in.RET.
Maximilian Druselmann - IPMG
Institut for Public Management und Governance
#Innovationsnetzwerke und Wissensaustausch | #Digitalmachen | #Praxis(Plus)
"Serenity is the most graceful form of self-confidence." (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach)
Maximilian is an administrative scientist and digital maker who brings experience from business and consulting to the team. It's not easy to get Maximilian to lose his cool, and that's a good thing. He is the analytical calming influence and at the same time a persistent developer of potential down to the last detail. His expertise relates primarily to municipal administrative structures in the public sector in eastern and central Germany in the areas of organization, personnel and digitalization. Maximilian's superpower is the bouquet of diligence, resilience and his analytical skills, which he translates into excellent digital solutions.
Phone: +49 3631 420-145
Office: Building 18, Room 18.0218
Click here for the IPMG.
Valeria Rademeier
"The important thing is never to stop asking." (Albert Einstein)
Valeria recently successfully completed her Master's degree in Public Management & Governance. Her main activity is the creation of the competence map. Creating the skills map reflects her drive for comprehensive understanding and her ability to structure and present complex data. Valeria is a resourceful problem solver who always strives to find innovative solutions to challenges.
Phone: 03631 420 - 146
Office: Building 18, Room 18.0218
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