Teaching and further education

Part-time Master's Degree Program "Transdisciplinary Early Intervention

The application-oriented and part-time master's degree program "Transdisciplinary Early Intervention" has a pedagogical focus and provides theoretical knowledge about early childhood development, support and inclusion. It is thus aimed at professionals who are interested in working in an early intervention-specific field of application. Due to the close connection to the Competence Center Early Childhood, in the ISRV of the Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences, a high application and practice orientation is given. You can find more information under the following program description

Advanced training in developmental psychology

In the continuing education course "Developmental Psychology in the Field of Early Intervention and Child Protection - From Presumption to Certainty of Action", current findings from infant, toddler and attachment research are combined with the observation and analysis of parent-child interactions in order to be able to assess conditions that inhibit development and to design conditions that are conducive to development. The continuing education is divided into 4 modules and is also integrated into the continuing education master's program in Transdisciplinary Early Intervention.

Proximity information about the further education offer is available here:


Costs: 1300€

The indicated prices are valid as a sum for all 4 modules.

Contact person

Dr. Christian Fricke (christian.fricke@hs-nordhausen.de), Phone: 03631 420-535

Denise Schulz (denise.schulz@hs-nordhausen.de), Phone: 03631 420-591