• Mittwoch, 07.02.2024 17:00 Uhr - 19:00 Uhr

    Mental Well-being on Campus


    We would like to draw your attention to the event Psychisch fit studieren (Mental Well-Being on Campus) by Irrsinnig Menschlich e.V. from Leipzip, which will take place on 7th February 2024 from 5-7 pm online. The event will be livestreamed here:
    Meeting ID: 840 7620 7110 | Meeting password: 613605

    The offer is aimed at ALL of you, no matter what you are studying or in which semester you are.

    Study well. Survive crises. Live happily. Is that possible? And how!

    The Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences and Irrsinnig Menschlich e.V. invite you to an exchange about the big
    and small questions about mental health during your studies.

    What you can expect: Exciting facts and figures about studying and mental wellbeing.
    mental well-being. You will get to know people who have overcome mental crises during their studies,
    are living life to the full and would like to share their life experiences with you.

    So that you are well prepared for life!

    At the forum
    ....you will learn how you can recognise psychological crises in yourself and others.
    ...you will find out who and what can strengthen and support you in overcoming a crisis.
    ...there is a protected space for your questions about mental crises.

    In addition, you will get to know the contact points at our university who will be happy to support you if you find yourself in a crisis during your studies.

    Thousands of students have already taken part: Now we're looking forward to meeting you!
    Study psychologically fit. The forum for students. Authentic. Direct. Intensive.

    We strongly encourage you to take advantage of this offer and join us.
    Someone from our team will be there too.

    We are looking forward to seeing you there!
    If you have any questions feel free to contact us.

    Kind regards,
    your University Social Work Team

    • Ort Online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84076207110?pwd=K3IvUFgzNXhFMm04QWRvelNyQmNHUT09
    • Veranstalter Hochschulsozialarbeit der HS Nordhausen
    • Zielgruppe Alle sind herzlich eingeladen!
    • Kosten Keine


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